Governance Review: Request for Proposals

RFP for Governance Consultants

Thursday, July 16, 2020

The PEI Coalition for Women in Government is seeking proposals to coordinate a review of the governance of the organisation, in such a way that the operational procedures fit the unique needs of the Coalition.

The PEI Coalition for Women in Government is a non-partisan organization dedicated to advancing women’s leadership in the political, civic, and democratic life of PEI. The Coalition is seeking proposals to coordinate a board governance review of the organisation, in such a way that the operational procedures fit the unique needs of the Coalition. 

Project work may begin as early as August 10, 2020, and must be completed by November 10, 2020. The contract will be for between $8,000 to $10,000, based on experience, qualifications, and workplan, to be negotiated with the successful applicant. 

The Governance review will consist of the following components:

  • ​Collaboration with the staff and steering committee of the Coalition to determine the vision and focus of each of the stakeholders of the organisation via interviews, focus groups and/or webinars
  • The development of a framework for Board and Steering Committee training and skill maintenance
  • A proposal for the governance structure, as well as an implementation plan

Proposals should outline the applicant’s relevant skills and experience that will allow them to successfully

  • Analyse and compare different board governance models, especially in the non-profit sector
  • Navigate the intricacies of a non-partisan non-profit organisation
  • Build relationships and work collaboratively with different stakeholders
  • Write and present reports

Demonstrated familiarity with small-group facilitation, board governance, critical and analytical thinking, communications for consensus building, project evaluation, trauma-informed practices and/or gender and diversity analysis will all be considered assets to this project. Proposals may also include how online components and tools will be leveraged for effective facilitation and consultation.

Proposals may include documentation such as a resume, examples of past work, a sample work plan, and/or a letter of reference. 

Additional supports available to the successful applicant will include administrative and advisory support from the Coalition for Women in Government steering committee.

The Coalition for Women in Government is accepting proposals to coordinate this work until 5:00 p.m., July 31, 2020, to Selection will follow by August 7, 2020. 

Please direct questions to and include your preferred contact information.

Note: The option to hire on salary may be available to a successful applicant who requires hourly payment.