Request for Proposals: Workshop Facilitation
Empowering Women Advocates for Climate Resiliency: Facilitation of 5 Workshops
The Coalition is requesting proposals for workshop facilitators.
Overview: Our Empowering Women Advocates for Climate Resiliency project aims to bring women and other underrepresented groups from across the island together to deepen their advocacy skills, analyze gaps in the PEI government’s environmental policies, and develop the tools needed to advocate for those changes.
Project work may begin as early as May 1st 2024 and must be completed by February 28th 2025. The contract will be for between $18,000 to $22,000, based on experience, qualifications, and workplan, to be negotiated with the successful applicant.
Demonstrated familiarity with building cross-sector relationships with government, large-group facilitation, policy, advocacy, and community engagement, will be assets to the project. Individuals, organizations, and co-applicants are encouraged to apply. Proposals may also include how online components and tools will be leveraged for effective facilitation and consultation.
Proposals may include documentation such as a resume, examples of past work, a sample work plan, and/or a letter of reference. Additional support available to the successful applicant will include administrative and advisory support from the Coalition for Women in Government staff and the steering committee for this project.
Submission Details: The Coalition for Women in Government is accepting proposals to coordinate this work until 5:00 p.m., April 23rd, 2024, to By April 30st, 2024, the successful applicant will be confirmed.
Please direct questions to Sarah Outram, Executive Director, at and include your preferred contact information.
Note: The option to hire on salary may be available to a successful applicant who requires hourly payment; the contract value will remain the same as is listed above.
See the full description for the request for proposal here: /sitefiles/Documents/RFP%20Empowering%20Women%20Climate%20Advocates.pdf